Appropriate imaging for breast cancer screening in special populations

Early detection is widely considered essential to reduce the risk of breast cancer mortality. Mammography has evolved from film-based to digitally reconstructed two-dimensional imagery, which has resulted in improved visual precision and better sensitivity. Women who are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer (as described above) often undergo supplemental screening to allow a second opportunity to identify tumors.

Status: Decision completed

Why is imaging for breast cancer screening being reviewed?

There are two major policy considerations surrounding the use of advanced imaging approaches in breast cancer screening. The first is the potential for DBT to replace digital mammography as a frontline screening tool in asymptomatic women. Because this is a new technology, the evidence base is expected to be limited, particularly with respect to long-term patient outcomes.

Primary criteria ranking

  • Safety = Low
  • Efficacy = High
  • Cost = High


Assessment timeline

  • Draft key questions published: July 15, 2014
    • Public comment period: July 15 to July 29, 2014
  • Final key questions published: August 22, 2014
  • Draft report published: October 21, 2014
    • Public comment period: October 21 to November 21, 2014
  • Final report published: December 17, 2014
  • HTCC public meeting: January 16, 2015