Apple Health (Medicaid) rulemaking

This page includes all of the current rule making activity for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid)

Rule making activities

The agency is amending WAC 182-504-0035 to allow for telephonic eligibility renewals. This project and Continuous Child coverage are being combined at the CR-102 stage because they both amend 182-504-0035.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

  • WSR 23-20-051
  • Hearing Date and Comments due: 11/7/2023
  • Registration required:

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending this rule to add behavioral health support specialist to the list of eligible providers.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

The agency is reorganizing rules related to enrollment and payment into proper sections, adding clarity, and removing the reconsideration process. WAC 182-502-0012 is being revised to reflect that if the agency denies a request for enrollment, there is no longer a reconsideration process, but the provider can reapply. WAC 182-502-0040 is being revised to reflect that terminations for convenience are the agency’s final decision and there is no reconsideration process.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

Preproposal (CR101)

HCA amended these rules to add advanced social worker associates, independent clinical social worker
associates, marriage and family therapist associates, and mental health counselor associates as provider types eligible to
provide covered health care services to eligible clients. In WAC 182-502-0002, HCA replaced social workers with advanced
social workers and independent clinical social workers.
The agency also added community behavioral health support services provider facilities to the list of eligible provider types in
WAC 182-502-0002. HCA filed a preproposal statement of inquiry (CR-101) under WSR 22-09-074 to develop new rules in
Title 182 regarding the Community Behavioral Health Support Services (CBHS) program. This rulemaking was postponed
after necessary funding for the program was not provided. On March 18, 2024, HCA filed the proposed rule (CR-102) for the
new CBHS program under WSR 24-07-072 followed by the rule-making order (CR-103P) on April 30, 2024, under WSR 24-

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending medical assistance definitions to add a person’s resources to the reasonable compatibility processes for eligibility renewals.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

  • WSR 23-19-052
  • Hearing Date and Comments due by: 10/24/2023
  • Registration required:

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency intends to develop rules to align with Sec. 1902(a)(25)(I) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 (CAA, 2022; P.L. 117-103). The rules will bar liable third-party payers from refusing to pay for a service or item furnished to a Medicaid-eligible person if the service or item did not receive prior authorization under the third-party payer’s rules.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

  • WSR 23-18-085
  • Hearing Date and Comments due by: 10/10/2023
  • Registration required:

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending these rules to update language in WAC 182-502-0030 to remove the term “agreement” from the WAC title and replace it with “enrollment.” The agency is also removing “core provider agreement” (CPA) from subsection (1) and replacing it with “enrollment” to provide clarity that all providers (not just those with a CPA) are subject to the rules. Additionally, the agency will update the WAC reference in subsection (1)(a)(ii) from WAC 246-934-100 to Chapter 246-16 WAC to align with the correct Department of Health (DOH) definition of sexual misconduct. The agency will amend the definition of provider in WAC 182-500-0085 to include servicing providers, nonbilling providers, providers with a CPA, and providers with other contracts with the Medicaid agency. The agency will also update the term “performing provider” to “servicing provider” in WACs 182-531-0250, 182-530-1000, and 182-502-0005 to align with consistent agency language.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

  • WSR 23-18-088
  • Hearing Date and Comments due by: 10/10/2023
  • Registration required:

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending
this rule to clarify language regarding service by mail.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Expedited Adoption (CR105)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending this rule to correct a typographical error.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Expedited Adoption (CR105)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

HCA is amending WAC 182-501-0135 to: (a) change the time period in which a client may request an administrative hearing from 90 days to 120 days, (b) state that HCA may determine on a case-by-case basis that a client may obtain certain prescription items at any pharmacy, and (c) add that HCA may remove a client from PRC placement if the client has successfully stabilized due to the utilization of treatment medications, including but not limited to, Buprenorphine.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)