May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

In observance of Mental Health month, HCA encourages Washingtonians to pause and care for their mental health. The places we live, work, learn, and gather all play a role in shaping our mental well-being. While we often prioritize physical health, it’s essential to recognize the impact of community on our mental health.

In honor of Mental Health month, HCA has created a toolkit to provide resources that everyone can use to raise mental health awareness. The toolkit is designed to provide practical resources and strategies to support your mental health and that of your community.  It also provides coping strategies for challenging situations that empower individuals to take proactive steps in enhancing their mental health.

What’s inside

  • Mental health calendar: Stay organized and prioritize your mental well-being with our downloadable calendar. Each day features a small action step you can take to improve your mental health.
  • Shareable poster: Print and display our poster in your community to promote mental health awareness and the importance of building supportive connections.
  • Vision board: Use our index cards to create a vision board that represents your mental health goals and aspirations. Display it somewhere you’ll see it daily as a reminder of your journey to better mental health.
  • Social media sharables: Spread awareness and positivity by sharing our mental health tips on your social media channels. Use hashtags #BuildBridgesCreateConnections and #MentalHealthMonth to join the conversation.

We invite you to explore the toolkit and join us in celebrating mental health month by “Building Bridges, Creating Connections” for better mental health.

Download the toolkit today!