Screening and monitoring tests for osteopenia / osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal condition characterized by both low bone mass and deteriorating bone quality, resulting in an increased risk of fracture. The Oregon Health Evidence Review Commission (OR HERC) issued guidance that mirrors the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations for initial screening in men and women. The guidance statement also recommends that screening should not be repeated more often than every 15 years for women with normal BMD, every 4 years for women with moderate osteopenia, and every 2 years for women with advanced osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Status: Decision completed

Why is screening for osteopenia/osteoporosis being reviewed?

An analysis of the evidence supporting these public health and policy statements and the most recently published evidence can help promote the most efficient use of osteoporosis screening for beneficiaries of Washington Health Care Authority (HCA) plans. Additionally, an analysis of the evidence regarding the benefits of treatment monitoring with BMD testing will permit a more comprehensive policy.

Primary criteria ranking

  • Safety = Medium
  • Efficacy = Medium
  • Cost = Medium


Assessment timeline

  • Draft key questions published: May 19, 2014
  • Public comment period: May 19 to June 2, 2014
  • Final key questions published: June 13, 2014
  • Draft report published: September 5, 2014
  • Public comment period: September 5 to October 6, 2014
  • Final report published: October 20, 2014
  • HTCC public meeting: November 21, 2014